Five Months Later...

In March 2020 our lives felt a shift in reality. For some it felt more prominent than for others. Nonetheless, a change occurred in our daily expectations and what our world looked like. I, like so many others have felt it in a variety of ways, depending on the day to be quite honest, and since this has NEVER “been a thing” (the pandemic specifically) in any of our lifetimes, we are forced literally, to figure it out.

Whether you trust the media or do not, is not the issue, because none of us can wish or argue the reality away, that we have been mostly stuck at home for this duration. Because no matter what any beliefs about it are, we are having reactions to it.

Here’s my point... I get to decide my reaction and how I’m going to face my circumstances. I get to choose how I manage it and apply what I know about myself, continuing to create a life that makes sense to me, while filling my heart and soul. Because that’s what I know. I get to decide.

Last night I said to John, “Welp.. I’ll try again tomorrow”.. as I went to bed I turned over the first card in my deck of personal oracle cards I have next to my bed and it said “let go of what you’re clinging to...” “lol, perfect,” I thought...

I have gifts and skills that bring me joy and those are the parts of my life that I will be clinging to and focusing on, while letting go of worry over my faults and insecurities. This is my truth and I hope YOU can know yours as we move forward together.


What do you Value?